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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Korean Months/Days/Time

Okay, so just for practice, and just in case no one knows this, I plan on listing all of the Korean months, days and so on. Here we go!

First off are months, they're pretty easy for me to remember because they use sino-Korean numbers and you just add wol (월)to the end to signify months.
January-il wol 일웡
February-ee wol 이월
March-sam wol 삼월
April-sah wol 사월
May-o wol 오월
June-yu wol 유월
July-chil wol 찰월
August-pal wol 팔월
September-gu wol구월
October-shi wol 시월
November-Sihp il wol 십일월
December-sihp ee wol 십이월
Days, really easy as well
워요일 - Monday (wol-yo-il)
화요일 - Tuesday (hwa-yo-il)
수요일 - Wednesday (soo-yo-il)
목요일 - Thursday (moh-gyo-il:::This is how I was thought to pronounce it, it could be moh-kyo-il since ㄱ is g/k)
금요일 - Friday (kuhm-yo-il)
토요일 - Saturday (toh-yo-il)
일요일 - Sunday (il-yo-il)
Time! I find telling time in Korean to be easier than telling time in French!
시 is used as the noun counter for it, and it uses Korean-Korean counting..

1:00 = 한시
2:oo = 두시
3:00 = 세시
4:00 = 네시
5:00 = 다섯 시
6:00 = 여섯 시
7:00 = 일곱 시
8:00 = 여덟 시
9:00 = 아홉 시
10:00 = 열 시
11:oo = 열한 시
12:oo = 열두 시

It's 1 o'clock would be 한시예요
It's 11 o'clock would be 열한 시예요
I'm going to meet a friend at 7: 일곱 시에 친구를 만나요.

I don't know how to say like 'it's 1:30' since I haven't memorized Korean numbers past 12 in Korean-Korean and past 1-12, 100, and 1,000 in Sino-Korean. I am using Living Language Korean and it didn't give me huge numbers at first. Guess I have to go look them up but if anyone knows that will be of help!